Friday, June 10, 2011

Reflections on the year...

So I was on my blog today seeing if it was still alive and I saw a post I never published from over a year ago.  A lot of these lessons have proved true and played out in amazing ways.  So here it is...

A lot of this year for me has been about finding my own cause and helping others find theirs:
  • How to achieve real balance (keeping sabbath, spreading out vacation days, stepping out of some responsibilities, etc)
  • Good or bad, everybody has plans/agendas for you, not just God...
  • You have to care what people think (but only a little bit)
  • If you're doing God's work, some people WILL hate you for it
  • New beginnings and challenges are worth the effort (Carver MC)
Helping others find theirs boils down to this... my cause doesn't have to be your cause but what is your cause? And no cause is not a cause.

The question I'm left with is not the traditional one - whether the choices you make hurt anyone, but a new one, who benefits from the choices you make?

I believed that God is daring me to be great and He continues to press me in that direction for His glory.  What about you?