Friday, December 27, 2013

My Top 3 Books for 2013

Nonesuch Place 

I found this at a local bookstore, great short read, really informative on Richmond's early history.  There's a ton of interesting information on how Richmond's street grid was first setup, how parks were first established, and facts about the city cemeteries that are way more interesting than I thought they'd be.  If you love Richmond and history, definitely check this out.

Creating a Missional Culture

JR was my first pastor at Virginia Tech and I've benefited from his wisdom for years.  This book has already started helping me in ministry, with introspective questions I've reflected back on many times already.  I've begun to think about ministry goals as questions of culture and used the insights from this book to direct my efforts for maximum effect.  There's a sea of books out there right now invoking "missional" to sell copies, this book has fresh insights that make it a rare read worth picking up.

Grow Great Grub

I've spent the last couple years looking for hobbies that relax me.  Gardening has been great for that but I had a lot to learn.  This book is super practical about organic gardening with great photos and very readable content.  It includes a lot of great tips for planting, making good soil, fertilizing, and fighting pests.  If you're interested in gardening (or need a hobby), this is a great book to read through.

I'm already lining up books for 2014, feel free to share your favorites, thanks!