Friday, April 21, 2006

The Best Job in America

Now some might say that playing Jack Bauer on TV is the best job in America but, according to CNN, I have the best job in America! Wow, do I get a trophy or something?! Well, its not like getting paid to play baseball or nothing but it will do for now I guess. What interests me is that job fulfillment didn't play a factor in the ranking. I guess I'm not suprised by that but my evaluation of a great job would be knowing that what I do matters. That the world is a better place because of what I do. Now certainly we can (and should) ask those same questions of our lives overall. I definitely feel like I do a lot of meaningful things that help the world - I just do them after work. If that's the case then, does my job have to be world-changing if some other part of my life is? As old as I may seem to some of you, I'm still way too young to claim to know the answer that question.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

That is a really good point.
And let me say that it really takes a man to say that. Because I find it a daily struggle for men to evaluate their lives and barter for fulfillment in their work because that may be where it 'feels right' to look. For sure, I struggle with this...and probably will continue to. You mentioning the importance and the meaning of time outside of work as a place to 'make a difference' is so true. If more people...more men...would do this, we would have less divorce, less children living with only a mother and never knowing their father (physically and psychologically), and a whole lot more firm and true leadership for our country and churches.
