Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Keeping your "eye on the ball"

Just a short post to share something God told me yesterday. I have had a hard time lately getting my attitude right about certain things that I don't think are going very well. It's an interesting paradox because, in the midst of those few not-so-great things, most of my life is going better than I could have ever imagined. It was this last point that I believe gets lost in my own mind when I'm whinning about some small detail that doesn't go my way. It was during one of these times that I was complaining to God (which is alright to do, don't get the wrong idea) that he told me,

"You must never lose sight of your blessedness."

Like most times that God speaks to me in such a clear fashion, his word is simple but so true. In the midst of trying to make sense of my problems, I cannot cannot cannot forget how blessed I am by God in so many other ways. That's like ditching my life preserver as I'm trying to swim for land (I can't swim, so that would truly suck). Sometimes I feel like I'm almost constantly forgetting how good God is and I wonder if that makes it hard for him to keep being good to me - but that's grace and God can never be anything other than what he is - love. Take some time today with me to remember how much is good about your life. If everyone even tried to do this on a regular basis I think this world would be a very different place.


Anonymous said...

Haha, I feel exactly the same way. Grad school sucks for me right now. Actually, it was never really good since I got here. But everything else is better than I thought things could ever be. It's confusing how sublimely awesome one half of my life can be and how utterly miserable and discouraging the other half can be.

Like you said, you just have to have faith that God will show you what He's preparing you for and why you're going through what you're going through. At that point, you'll say, "Ooooh, riiiiight. That makes sense. I should have been more patient." But even though I KNOW I'll say that eventually, it's not easy to abstain from complaining to God about why you don't know or can't see what the heck is going on!

However, you make an excellent point. I do remember that whenever I want to yell at God for allowing some stupid thing to happen to me, I actually have it pretty good and I can do FAR FAR worse. God's brought me this far. He won't abandon me at this point. That'd be pointless and God's full of purpose. You could almost think of Him as being Purpose itself.

Anonymous said...

Dudes...and by saying dudes I mean the plural form of all male and females reading this. Cause there have to be a lot of people reading such an awesome blog. Let me first say that it is so complete...so encouraging to see two awesome followers look around in their web of confusion and just fight (cause that is an awesome visual) to look to God. I don't know...just somethin' about it...like a middle school basketball player seeing Michael Jordan work on simple dribbling skills...even the pros need to work on the basics (not to say that the stuff you guys are messing with in your lives is basic...more like on a different level than what I can understand at times).

I was listening to Joel Osteen the other day (pastor of 50k in Houston) and he mentions the proverbial...we need to think positively more about ourselves..because ultimately God is in control. God has the best plan in mind and we should not attempt to override it with negative thinking and expect to fully live. I personally find it hard to think positively when meaning and understanding are corrupted by pain and anguish, but it is right, as much as my natural self wants to burn at the idea, to struggle to find God in this desperate state. (Romans 5:3-4)

A huge assist when I get into ruts is community. The kind that tells the God given truth when it straight up screws with my self made plans - that is a blessing for me, even though it hurts so bad at the time.