Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What's Playing? - Angels and Airwaves

So this begins a new feature I'd like to start on my blog. Periodically, I'd like to talk about new music (or at least new to me) that I've been checking out.

The name of the band may not seem familiar but the band's vocalist and front man, Tom DeLonge, will be immediately recognizable for the millions of Blink182 fans, who have appreciated his work for many years already.

Beginning with Blink's last album, DeLonge's songwriting prowess has began to grow and mature, continuing that upward progression with his new project, Angels and Airwaves, and their debut CD, We Dont' Have to Whisper. Once you shake the notion that you're just listening to another Blink182 album, you'll start to appreciate the depth of this offering, particularly in its lyrics. You'll definitely want to pull the lyrics out of the jacket on this one and give them a read as you listen.

DeLonge takes a departure from typical teen angst over the problems of the world and takes this opportunity to sing about the solution in inspiring fashion. Intended or not, many of the lyrics have a decidedly spiritual tone to them (at least to this listener). For instance, A&A's track, A Little's Enough, is a song about a world where there is no pain and allowing that healing to start in your heart now. Check out an exerpt from the song...

Green trees were the first sign
The deepest blue, the clearest sky
The silence came with the brightest eyes
And turned water into wine

The children ran to see
The parents stood in disbelief
And those who knew braced for the ride
The earth itself then came alive to say

I, I can do anything

If you want me here
And I can fix anything
If you let me near
Where are those secrets now?
That you're too scared to tell
I'd whisper them all aloud
So you can hear your self

While not every part of the CD is filled with this much depth and meaning, I wouldn't say there was any part that I truly didn't like. The CD on the whole is an impressive and significant leap forward for DeLong's art. Personally, the power of some of DeLong's lyrics have actually inspired me to revisit my poetry as an avenue of personal expression. Overall, the CD is definitely worth checking out. Post your thoughts on it once you give it a listen...

1 comment :

LiquidLifeHacker said...

I love the new cd and the videos off We Don't Have to Whisper are impressive. I absolutely love the song "Do it for me now"

I agree with you on Tom's more mature lyrics...He has definately got his groove going on this new project!