Saturday, March 12, 2005

Who's feet do you sit at?

Okay, so in the same Fortune article I was reading, Rick Warren also talked about role models. I think we'd all argee that modeling yourself off of great men and women is a good thing. We're not trying to copy them, we're not trying to live their life - but we can let their life inspire us just as they were probably inspired by someone before them. Living great lives is just our way of passing it on. Interestingly though, Rick recommended that, ideally, your models should be dead. I liked that, he said that its one things to run a good first part of the race and then flake out at the end, its a whole other thing to finish the race with power and intregity. I really resonate with that. I've been a fan of biographies for years. In fact, I should probably make time to read more of them than I do. Biographies are great because you get to sit at the feet of some of the most amazing people that ever lived. Who wouldn't want to be mentored by the greatest men and women? I may never get a chance to meet Billy Graham or Rick Warren but I can read about the apostle Paul, or Hudson Taylor, or George Mueller. I can be there when D.L. Moody was preaching to thousands, when Francis Shaeffer started L'Abri for wayward spiritual wanderers. Yes, I will continue to look forward to having coffee with Rick Warren or Ravi Zacharias one day, but for now I have all of the greatest people that have ever lived at my fingertips. I would encourage you as well to avail yourself to that opportunity.

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