Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Who's in your fan club?

I am one of the most fortunate men I know. I really consider myself blessed in so many ways but what I'm most thankful for, by far, is to have people in my life that love me and desire me. That statement may seem a little silly so let me explain. I could pick up my phone right now and call my parents and that five minute phone call would absolutely make their day. Tonight I will have dinner with my fiancee and that time with me will be the absolute highlight of her day. Now of course the feel is mutual in both instances but what blows me away sometimes is the magnitude of this love. That someone would love me so much that even the smallest part of me (my time, my voice, my just being around) is cause for more joy than I would have ever imagined. Small as it may be, I have a fan club (my fiancee is the president and my mom is the vice president)! I feel so fortunate to have people in my life that love me like that. I feel equally blessed to love these people in the same way, how my fiancee's voice or simply her smile can change a crappy day into a good one so quickly.

As I write this, I'm glad so many people I know have this kind of love in their lives as well. But to an even greater degree I'm so grieved that many people in the world today, many people I know, do not have this kind of love in their life. People that walk around empty, hollow and almost lifeless because, whether they know it or not, they lack this quality of love in their life. People that would say they "know" people but no one who would be interested in being a part of their fan club. This isn't just an unfortunate fact of our world, God would call it an absolute tragedy.

Before there was even time, God was the founder of your fan club. He created you for just one purpose - to enjoy you. Not many people think about how God loves us. We know that He loved us enough to go to a cross for us two thousand years ago. We stand in awe of that fact, that single amazing act of love. But did you know that if you stared up at heaven today for even an instant, that you made His day. That the shortest, most uninspired prayer is precious to Him simply because it came out of your mouth. The fact is that God is completely and totally infatuated with you. He's head over heels in love with every part of you. Did you know that He threw a party in heaven when you gave your life to Him? Did you know that every day you stray from Him, He sits on His porch with your picture in His hands waiting for you to walk over that hill and return home? The fact is that you have a fan club, you always have. God is the founder and a lifetime member. The Gospel message, the Good News, that we try to make so complicated sometimes is simply this: You are loved. Our purpose today is two-fold, to believe that we are loved and help others believe the same.


Anonymous said...

I should be doing projects and homework, but I'll respond to this anyway. Hmm, I might use this as my journal entry, Mr. Thought-provoker.

That's for real, man. The theme of your post. So, I'd say that I don't quite appreciate it enough, but I know I have the same type of deal. I don't really know why I don't appreciate it as much as I think I should. However, it makes my parents' day if I called them too, probably not so much for my brother or sister, but they'd enjoy it nonetheless. I don't really think about how other people enjoy my company as much as how I enjoy theirs, and that includes the HG. "Let me freakin' hang out with you, man!" is in my mind all the time. I'd rather be a a part of someone else's fan club than have one of my own, besides the Founder of course, though I know I do have one. So I guess by knowing I have one, it's enough to say that I don't have to worry about getting one, which I can see as being... well, I guess it was partly my deal in high school. I guess it worked out cool too, since I was voted Best Personality, as lame as that sounds now, 6 years out.

Good points on all the analogies at the end of your post. I thought I was good with analogies.

Anonymous said...

I wish I were a blogger but alas I am just a blog stalker. I told Jason the other day that I didn't want to read his blog since he hadn't talked about me! I can be so self absorbed. But I am so proud to have made it in. I guess it is good that God is mentioned like 500 times more than me. He is so much more important. I am glad I could be an inspiration to Jason and I hope that my relationship with others can reflect God's love. :-)
The Fiance

Anonymous said...

Well, heck, I haven't made it in... maybe I should stop reading his blog.